Chapter 2 Message List
iSM09004: Changed LD movement speed from
<aaaa>(<bbb...b>) to
<cccc>(<ddd...d>) in <eee...e>
[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It indicates that the logical disk movement speed is changed.
aaaa : Logical disk number of moved material logical disk
bbb...b : Logical disk name of moved material logical disk
cccc : Logical disk number of work disk for Optimization
ddd...d : Logical disk name of work disk for Optimization
eee...e : Disk array name
[Measures] Unnecessary
iSM09005: Insufficient resource detected
func=<aaa...a> errno=<bbbb>
[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It indicates that it has failed to acquire sufficient memory.
aaa...a : Function name
bbbb : Error code
cccccccc : Detail code
[Measures] Remove the cause of the error and restart the iSM server.