Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03203: Control path access failed.
ip=<aaa...a> port=<bbbbb>
func=<ccc...c> reason=(timeout
<ddd>sec.) detail=<ee-ffff>
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] A timeout occurred in the socket communication with the disk array.
aaa...a : IP address
bbbbb : Port number
ccc...c : Function number
ddd : Seconds of time out
ee-ffff : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the state of the network connection to the disk array and the state of the
disk array, and remove the failure.
iSM03204: Control path access failed.
ip=<aaa...a> port=<bbbbb>
reason=(invalid sequence)
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] Socket connection with the disk array has been disconnected.
aaa...a : IP address
bbbbb : Port number
cc-dddd : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the network setting for the disk array, and remove the failure.