Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03222: Control path access failed.
file=<aaa...a> command=(<bbb...b>)
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] A command error occurred. A failure may exist in the disk array.
This message is output on UNIX system.
aaa...a : Special file name
bbb...b : Command Descriptor Block of the issued command
cccccccc : Status Byte
dd-eeee : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the state of the FC connection to the disk array and the state of the disk
array, and remove the failure.
iSM03222: Control path access failed.
Disk=(disk<aaa> (Port<bbb>
Bus<ccc> Target<ddd> Lun<eee>))
status=(<gggggggg>) detail=<hh-iiii>
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] A command error occurred. A failure may exist in the disk array.
This message is output on Windows system.
diskaaa (Portbbb Busccc Targetddd Luneee): Disk information
fff...f : Command Descriptor Block of the issued command
gggggggg : Status Byte
hh-iiii : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the state of the FC connection to the disk array and the state of the disk
array, and remove the failure.