Chapter 2 Message List

iSM16045: Illegal configuration. file=alived.tbl

id=<a> line=<bb>

[Classification] WARNING
[Explanation] It indicates that there is Invalid description in the ALIVEmail message
information table file.
a : Error classification
1: Improper position of “=”, or no “=”
5: Improper position of “,”
8: No description of address
bb : Error line number
[Measures] Check the relevant line of the ALIVEmail message information table file, and
correct the definition.

iSM16047: Illegal configuration. file=alived.tbl

Specific tag is not defined.


[Classification] WARNING
[Explanation] It indicates that there is no definition of the specific tag in the ALIVEmail
message information table file.
aaa...a : Tag name
[Measures] Check the syntax of the ALIVEmail message information table file, and correct
the definition of the specific tag.