Chapter 2 Message List

iSM13694: Database (<aaa...a>) is being used in

another process.

[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] Database is used by other process.
aaa...a : Database name
[Measures] Check that other process is not using the database and then retry command

iSM13695: Failed to detach database.

[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] Detaching database failed.
[Measures] Check that detaching database is allowed and then retry command execution.

iSM13696: Failed to get database volume from


[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] Obtaining volume from metafile failed.
[Measures] Check that metafile is correct and then retry command execution.

iSM13697: Not found database file.

[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] Physical file in database is not found.
[Measures] Check that the physical file exists and then retry command execution.