Chapter 2 Message List
iSM14443: Set IP Address : number=<aa>h,
(IP Address=<bbb...b>, Subnet
Mask=<ccc...c>, Gateway
Address=<ddd...d>) ->
(IP Address=<eee...e>, Subnet
Mask=<fff...f>, Gateway
Address=<ggg...g>), status=<hhh...h>
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] It indicates that IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address have been
specified for the disk array. Information specified here becomes valid after
resetting disk array or service processor.
aa : Service processor number
bbb...b : IP address before change
ccc...c : Subnet mask before change
ddd...d : Gateway address before change
eee...e : IP address after change
fff...f : Subnet mask after change
ggg...g : Gateway address after change
hhh...h : Command execution status
good : Normal
failed(xxxx) : Error occurred (xxxx is error description)
[Measures] When an error occurs (status=failed was output), the configuration or setting of
the disk array may be changed. After updating it to the newest information or
restarting state monitoring, check current state and execute again. If state
monitoring cannot be restarted, specified IP address, etc., may be wrong. If a
wrong IP address, etc. have been specified, specify a correct address with
iSMnetconf command.