Chapter 2 Message List

iSM02020: Function Error has occurred

name=<aaa...a> code=<bbbbb>


[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It shows that a function error has occurred.
This message is output on UNIX system.
aaa...a : Function name
bbbbb : Internal code
ccccc : Error number
[Measures] Check the settings relevant to the applicable function.
Example: iSMclcomm iSM02020:Function Error has occurred name=recv
code=417 errno=232
In this case, recv function has error-returned in the
errno=232(ECONNRESET:Connection reset by peer) and it is
thought that the socket has been disconnected from a client.

iSM02021: Internal Error has occurred

code=<aaaaa> errno=<bbbbb>

[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It shows that an internal error has occurred.
This message is output on UNIX system.
aaaaa : Internal code
bbbbb : Error number
[Measures] Check the connection status of iSM client, the environment of server operation
and various settings. This message is usually output together with iSM02020.
For the specific cause, refer to iSM02020.
Example: iSMclcomm iSM02020:Function Error has occurred name=recv
code=417 errno=232
iSMclmaind iSM02021:Internal Error has occurred code=1366
This case shows that the socket has been disconnected from a client in
iSM02020 and the communication process for the client has ended.