Chapter 2 Message List

iSM08092: To get performance data failed from

disk array=<aaa...a> type=<bbb...b>

number=<cccc> detcode=<dddddddd>

[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It indicates that I/O error occurred in disk array collecting statistics information.
aaa...a : Disk array name
bbb...b : Type of failed information
SYSTEM (MNT) : Maintenance information of disk array
SYSTEM (INQ) : Attribute information of disk array
HD : Statistics information of HD
RD : Statistics information of RD
DD : Statistics information of DD
CACHE : Statistics information of CACHE
CHESEG : Statistics information of CHESEG
LD : Statistics information of LD
PD : Statistics information of PD
RANK : Statistics information of RANK
POOL : Statistics information of POOL
cccc : ID number of component of failed information
dddddddd : Detail code
[Measures] Investigate the state of disk array and remove the cause of trouble.

iSM08093: Failed in communication with <aaaa>

[func=<bbb...b>] [errno=<cccc>]


[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It indicates that error occurred in internal communication control.
aaaa : Destination of communication
bbb...b : Function name
cccc : Error code
dddddddd : Detail code
[Measures] Collect necessary information according to the iSM error information collection
procedure, and restart the iSM server.