Chapter 2 Message List

iSM13224: MV is restored.

Volume Name:<aaa...a>

Mount Point:<bbb...b>

[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] The MV is to be restored by the restore command.
This message is output on Windows system.
aaa...a : Mount point volume name
bbb...b : Drive letters or NTFS folder name
[Measures] Unnecessary
If an error occurs during unmount of MV that is performed at restore start, set the
drive letters or mount the NTFS folder using the mount point volume name and
drive letters, or NTFS folder information output with this message before you
resume operation.

iSM13225: Flush Start <aaaa/bb/cc> <dd:ee:ff>

[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Buffer flush processing start message.
aaaa/bb/cc : Year/Month/Day
dd:ee:ff : Hour/Minute/Second
[Measures] Unnecessary

iSM13226: Flush Normal End <aaaa/bb/cc>


[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Buffer flush processing normal end message.
aaaa/bb/cc : Year/Month/Day
dd:ee:ff : Hour/Minute/Second
[Measures] Unnecessary