Chapter 2 Message List
iSM07670: Expansion State of POOL has
become normal-end. (<aaa...a>
productID=<bbb...b> SN=<ccc...c>
Name=<eee...e>)[ UC=<fff...f>
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] It indicates that capacity expansion of a pool (number: dddd, name: eee...e) of a
disk array (name: aaa...a) normally ended.
For Windows, this message is target of ESMPRO Manager Report, and also to
be target of ALIVE/Express Report via ESMPRO.
aaa...a : Disk array name
bbb...b : Product ID of disk array (S2800 Disk Array etc.)
ccc...c : Serial number of disk array
dddd : Pool number
eee...e : Pool name
fff…f/gg : Maintenance information
[Measures] Unnecessary