Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03151: Management of control path by
autofind failed. file=<aaa...a>
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Failed in the inclusion of the control path by auto find function.
The disk with error cannot be included in iSM server. iSM server will ignore
the error.
This message is output on UNIX system.
aaa...a : Special file name
bbb...b : Command Descriptor Block of the issued command
cc : Status Byte
dd : Sense Key
ee : Additional Sense Code
ff : Additional Sense Code Qualifier
gg-hhhh : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the disk array state, and remove the failure. Restart iSM server if
iSM03151: Management of control path by
autofind failed. Disk=(disk<aaa>
(Port<bbb> Bus<ccc> Target<ddd>
Lun<eee>)) command=(<fff...f>)
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Failed in the inclusion of the control path by auto find function.
The disk with error cannot be included in iSM server. iSM server will ignore
the error.
This message is output on Windows system.
diskaaa (Portbbb Busccc Targetddd Luneee): Disk information
fff...f : Command Descriptor Block of the issued command
gg : Status Byte
hh : Sense Key
ii : Additional Sense Code
jj : Additional Sense Code Qualifier
kk-llll : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the disk array state, and remove the failure. Restart iSM server if