Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03225: Data can not be gotten sequentially
during split mode.Disk=(disk<aaa>
(Port<bbb> Bus<ccc> Target<ddd>
Lun<eee>)) reason=(invalid
sequence) detail=<ff-gggg>
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] Obtaining data failed in command divided transfer. The message indicates
that retry processing could not obtain correct data either.
diskaaa (Portbbb Busccc Targetddd Luneee): Disk information
ff-gggg : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the status of the disk array, and remove the failure. Restart monitoring
manually if necessary.
iSM03300: SVP has restarted. ip=<aaa...a>
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Service processor (SVP) has become available for use.
aaa...a : IP address of service processor(SVP)
bb-cccc : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Unnecessary