Chapter 2 Message List

iSM08050: Performance data is over threshold

(disk array=<aaa...a> [, type=<bbbb>]

[, number=<cccc>] : <dddddddd>

<value =<eee...e> (<ffff>),


[Classification] WARNING
[Explanation] Performance data of components in disk array exceeded specified threshold
aaa...a : Disk array name
bbbb : Calculation unit
PORT : Port
CHESEG : Cache segment
LD : Logical Disk
PD : Physical Disk
cccc : Component ID number
dddddddd : Monitoring item
iops : I/O Density
rate : Transfer Rate
avlen : Average Transfer Length
avresp : Average Response Time
readhit : Read Hit Ratio
writehit : Write Hit Ratio
busy : Busy Ratio
eee...e : Performance data value
ffff : Monitoring item value
ggg...g : Threshold value
[Measures] Research the access status of components with exceeded thresholds as necessary.

iSM08051: Performance monitoring overhead

exceeds permissible amount (disk


[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] It indicates that disk array has become overloaded.
aaa...a : Disk array name
[Measures] Because performance monitoring has been continued, perform measures such as
reducing components and release the overload status.