Chapter 2 Message List

iSM16038: Illegal configuration. file=alived.conf

It has exceeded 256 bytes. line=<aa>

[Classification] WARNING
[Explanation] It indicates that the applicable line of the ALIVEmail setting file exceeds 256
aa : Error line number
[Measures] Check the applicable line of the ALIVEmail setting file, and correct it 256 bytes
or less.

iSM16039: Illegal configuration. file=alived.conf

“TO” mail address has exceeded 10.


[Classification] WARNING
[Explanation] It indicates that the destination mail addresses have been set over 10 in the
ALIVEmail setting file.
aa : Error line number
[Measures] Check the mail addresses to which the ALIVEmail setting file, and set the
number of address less.

iSM16041: File cannot be read. file=alived.tbl

line=<aa> errno=<bbb>

[Classification] WARNING
[Explanation] It indicates that reading the ALIVEmail message information table file has
aa : Error line number
bbb : Error number
[Measures] Check the state of the ALIVEmail message information table file (such as
reading privilege).