Chapter 2 Message List
iSM18001: Snapshot has been created. (<aaa...a>,
BV=<bbb...b> (<cccc>h),
SV=<ddd...d> (<eeee>h))
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] It indicates that snapshot was created.
aaa...a : Disk array name
bbb...b : BV logical disk name
cccc : BV logical disk number
ddd...d : SV logical disk name
eeee : SV logical disk number
[Measures] Unnecessary
iSM18002: Deleting snapshot has been started.
(<aaa...a>, BV=<bbb...b> (<cccc>h),
SV=<ddd...d> (<eeee>h),
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] It indicates that snapshot deletion was started.
aaa...a : Disk array name
bbb...b : BV logical disk name
cccc : BV logical disk number
ddd...d : SV logical disk name
eeee : SV logical disk number
fff : SV generation number when deletion was started
[Measures] Unnecessary