Chapter 2 Message List

iSMnetconf: 001

iSMnetconf: 001 Command complete


[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Succeeded in command execution.
[Measures] Unnecessary

iSMnetconf: 101 Command has failed. (<aaa...a>)

[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] Failed in SCSI command execution.
aaa...a : Additional information
[Measures] Service processor was not set correctly. Check that no problem exists in the
specified parameter, or the connection between host and disk array is normal.

iSMnetconf: 111 Internal error has occurred.


[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] An internal error occurred.
aaa...a : Additional information
[Measures] Service processor was not set correctly. Check that no problem exists in
operating environment of this command, and connection between host and disk
array is normal.