Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03224: Control path is blockaded.
disk=(disk<aaa> (Port<bbb>
Bus<ccc> Target<ddd> Lun<eee>))
func=<fff...f> errno=<ggggg>
status=<hhh...h> (<iii...i>
productID=<jjjjj> SN=<kkkkk>)
[UC=<llllllll> FC=<mm>][_ALERT_]
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] The control path (access to disk) was blockaded.
This message is output on Windows system.
This message is target of ESMPRO Manager Report, and also to be target of
ALIVE/Express Report via ESMPRO.
diskaaa (Portbbb Busccc Targetddd Luneee): Disk information
fff...f : Function number
ggggg : Error number
hhh...h : Result of issuing of SCSI command
iii...i : Disk array name
jjjjj : Product ID of disk array (S2100 Disk Array etc.)
kkkkk : Serial number of disk array
llllllll/mm : Maintenance information
[Measures] Check the state of the FC connection to the disk array and the state of the disk
array, and remove the failure.