Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03224: Control path is blockaded.
file=(<aaa...a>) func=<bbb...b>
errno=<ccccc> status=<ddd...d>
(<eee...e> productID=<fffff>
SN=<ggggg>) [UC=<hhhhhhhh>
[Classification] ERROR
[Explanation] The control path (access to special file) was blockaded.
This message is output on UNIX system.
This message is target of ESMPRO Manager Report, and also to be target of
ALIVE/Express Report via ESMPRO.
aaa...a : Special file name
bbb...b : Function number
ccccc : Error number
ddd...d : Result of issuing of SCSI command
eee...e : Disk array name
fffff : Product ID of disk array (S2100 Disk Array etc.)
ggggg : Serial number of disk array
hhhhhhhh/ii : Maintenance information
[Measures] Check the state of the FC connection to the disk array and the state of the disk
array, and remove the failure.