Chapter 2 Message List
iSM03131: Management of control path in
diskarray[<a>] failed. ip=<bbb...b>
port=<ccccc> func=<ddd...d>
reason=(timeout <eee>sec.)
[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] Failed in the inclusion of the control path due to time out.
a : Disk array specifying number in environment definition file
(UNIX system: 1 to 64, Windows system: 1 to 32)
bbb...b : IP address
ccccc : Port number
ddd...d : Function name
eee : Seconds of the time out
ff-gggg : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Check the network connection state to the disk array, and remove the failure.
iSM03132: Management of control path in
diskarray[<a>] failed. ip=<bbb...b>
port=<ccccc> reason=(invalid
sequence) detail=<dd-eeee>
[Classification] NOTICE
[Explanation] Failed in the inclusion of the control path.
a : Disk array specifying number in environment definition file
(UNIX system: 1 to 64, Windows system: 1 to 32)
bbb...b : IP address
ccccc : Port number
dd-eeee : Detail information (This code is not disorder reason but a value
for maintenance.)
[Measures] Settings of disk array may be incorrect (monitoring by the node running iSM
server via LAN may not be allowed). Check settings of disk array and remove