Chapter 2 Message List
iSM13221: Resetting drive letter (<aaa...a>) has
iSM13221: Resetting mount point (<bbb...b>)
has succeeded.
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] The drive letter or the NTFS folder mount point was canceled successfully.
This message is output on Windows system.
aaa...a : Drive name
bbb...b : Path
[Measures] Unnecessary
iSM13222: Reading signature succeeded.
<aaa...a> records
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] The disk signature information was read successfully.
This message is output on Windows system.
aaa...a : Record count
[Measures] Unnecessary
iSM13223: Initializing signature succeeded.
[Classification] INFO
[Explanation] The disk signature information was initialized successfully.
This message is output on Windows system.
aaa...a : Physical disk number
[Measures] Unnecessary