N750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit ADSL Modem Router DGND4000
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) 123 up time, system 86
upgrading firmware 24, 84
advanced configuration 66 advanced settings 123 basic storage settings 64 drive requirements 62 file sharing 63 ReadySHARE access 62, 65 remote computer connection 70 specifying approved devices 69 unmounting a USB drive 67
USB devices, approved 69
USB port 15
USB port LED 16 USB printer 71, 73
WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) 26, 45 WPS button 27
WAN IP address, troubleshooting 139 WAN setup 50
wireless channel 36
wireless connections, troubleshooting 141 wireless connectivity 17
wireless devices, adding to the network 26 Wireless Distribution System (WDS) 105, 106 Wireless LEDs
front panel 15, 16 troubleshooting 137, 138
wireless mode 36
wireless network name (SSID), broadcasting 36 wireless network settings 36
wireless radio 102
wireless repeating 105, 106 base station 107 repeater unit 108
wireless security options 39 wireless settings 34, 88
checking for correct 135 SSID broadcast 36
WPA encryption 39
WPA2 encryption 39