Configuration of NAP Interoperability 141
Windows 802.1x Supplicant—The Nortel Health Agent integrated with
the Microsoft NAP Agent provides a robust EAP supplicant for Windows
Vista and XP Operating Systems.
To configure the Network Access Protection (NAP), use the following
The NAP menu appears.
The NAP menu includes the following options:
followed by:
autorem Sets necessary updates to allow a noncompliant
computer to become compliant.
Values: false and true.
default: false.
probation Probation Settings
moreinfo<Troublshooting URL> Set Troublshooting URL
pdp Select the policy decision point.
Values: local and remote.
default: local
servers Remote Network Policy Servers
shvs System Health Validators
wshv Windows System Health Validator
Probation Settings
To configure the probation settingsg, use the following command:
The Probation Settings menu includes the following options:
followed by:
ena Enables full access for a limited time.
dis Disables full access for a limited time.
date Sets the date (YYYY-MM-DD)
time Sets the time (24-hour, HH:MM:SS)
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007,2008 NortelNetworks