474 Syslog messages
Table 88
Syslog messages in alphabetical order (cont’d.)
Message Severity Type Explanation
transferring user <user> on
ddr>)", Port="<unit/port>" to
INFO NSNAS Clientdevice on Domain 1,
Switch <switchID> (switch IP
address <IPaddr> ), Unit <unit>,
Port <port> is being moved to
the VLAN named <vlan> with
VLAN ID <vlanID>.
nhauser: user <usernam
e>[<pVIP>] – SRS check
failed, restrictingSRS – <SRS
rule> <comment> – <item> –
INFO NSNAS NortelHealth Agent applet
report: The user with user
name <username>, logged
on to the Nortel SNAS portal
with portal Virtual IP address
<pVIP>, has failed the SRS rule
check, and access is restricted
in accordance with the behavior
configured for SRS rule failure.
To identify the rule, the message
includes the <SRS rule> name
and additional <comment>
information defined for the rule.
The message also includes the
element of the SRS rule (<item>)
that failed and the <reason> (for
example, file not found).
nhauser: user <username>[<p
VIP>] – SRS checks ok, open
INFO NSNAS NortelHealth Agent applet
report: The user with user name
<username>, logged on to the
Nortel SNAS portal with portal
Virtual IP address <pVIP>, has
passed the SRS rule check and
is authorized to start a session in
a Green VLAN.
Unable to find client private key
for <server #> ERROR Traffic
Processing Key for doing sslconnect is not
valid. Please reconfigure.
Unable to use client certificate
for <server #> ERROR Traffic
Processing Certificate for doing sslconnect is
not valid. Please reconfigure.
Unable to use client private key
for <server #> ERROR Traffic
Processing Key for doing sslconnect is not
valid. Please reconfigure.
Unable to use the certificate for
<server nr> ERROR Traffic
Processing Unsuitable certificate configured
for server #.
unknown WWW-Authenticate
method, closing ERROR Traffic
Processing Backend server sent unknown
HTTP authentication method.
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007,2008 NortelNetworks