Managing private keys and certificates 317
Step Action
1Access the Certificate menu by using the /cfg/cert <cert
id> command, where <cert id> is the certificate number of
the certificate you wish to copy.
To view basic information about all configured certificates, use
the /info/certs command.
2Display the private key and certificate. Enter the following
/cfg/cert #/display
3When prompted, specify whether or not the key will be
encrypted. The default is yes.
4When prompted, specify a password phrase if you wish to
password protect the private key. The password phrase must
contain at least four characters.
If you specify a password phrase, the password phrase must be
provided on all occasions in future when the private key file is
accessed (for example, when adding, importing, or exporting
private keys and certificates).
5Copy the private key, certificate, or both, as required.
For the private key, ensure that you include the -----BEGIN
KEY----- lines.
For the certificate, ensure that you include the -----BEGIN
6Paste the private key, certificate, or both into a text editor.
7Save the file with a .PEM extension.
Figure 19 "Displaying a private key and certificate" (page
318) shows sample output for the /cfg/cert #/display
command. For more information about the Certificate menu
commands, see “Managing and viewing certificates and keys”
(page 302).
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007,2008 NortelNetworks