Upgrading or reinstalling the software
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Upgrading the Nortel SNAS ” (page 367)
“Performing minor and major release upgrades” (page 368)
“Activating the software upgrade package” (page 369)
“Reinstalling the software” (page 372)
“Before you begin” (page 372)
“Reinstalling the software from an external file server” (page 373)
“Reinstalling the software from a CD” (page 375)
The Nortel SNAS software image is the executable code running on the
Nortel SNAS. A version of the image ships with the Nortel SNAS and is
preinstalled on the device. As new versions of the image are released, you
can upgrade the software running on your Nortel SNAS. In some cases,
you may need to reinstall the software on the Nortel SNAS in order to
return the device to its factory defaults.

Upgrading the Nortel SNAS

There are two types of upgrades:
Minor release upgrade: This is typically a bug fix release. All
configuration data is retained. To perform a minor upgrade, connect to
the Management IP address (MIP) of the cluster you want to upgrade.
Major release upgrade: This kind of release may contain bug fixes as
well as feature enhancements. All configuration data is retained. To
perform a major upgrade, connect to the MIP of the cluster you want
to upgrade.
When you activate a software upgrade on a Nortel SNAS device, all the Nortel
SNAS devices in the cluster reboot. All active sessions are lost.
Upgrading the software on your Nortel SNAS requires the following:
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
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