Syslog messages in alphabetical order 465
Syslog messages in alphabetical order

Table 88 "Syslog messages in alphabetical order" (page 465) lists the

syslog messages in alphabetical order.

Table 88
Syslog messages in alphabetical order
Message Severity Type Explanation
[A:B:C:D] NSNA portdown INFO NSNAS Domain A, switch B, unit C, port
D Ethernet link is down.
[A:B:C:D] NSNA portup INFO NSNAS DomainA, switch B, unit C, port
D Ethernet link is up.
accept() turned off (<nr>) too
many fds INFO Traffic
Processing The Nortel SNAS has
temporarily stopped accepting
new connections. This will
happen when the Nortel SNAS is
overloaded. It will start accepting
connections once it has finished
processing its current sessions.
Application filesystem corrupt -
reinstall required CRITICAL OS Reinstall.
audit EVENT System
Control Sent when a CLI system
administrator enters, enters,
exits or updates the CLI if audit
logging is enabled using the
Bad CN supplied in server cert
<subject> INFO Traffic
Processing Malformed CN found in subject
of the certificate supplied by the
backend server.
Bad IP:PORT data <line> in hc
script ERROR Traffic
Processing Bad ip:port found in health
check script. Please reconfigure
the health script. This should
normally be captured earlier by
the CLI.
Bad regexp (<expr>) in health
check ERROR Traffic
Processing Bad regular expression found in
health check script. Please
reconfigure. This should
normally be captured earlier
by the CLI.
Bad script op found <script op> ERROR Traffic
Processing Bad script operation found in
health check script. Please
reconfigure. This should
normally be captured earlier
by the CLI.
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007,2008 NortelNetworks