240 Customizing the portal and user logon
Command Parameter
type external | ftp
/cfg/doamin #/linkset <linkset
ID>/link <index>/external/quick
/cfg/doamin #/linkset <linkset
ID>/link <index>/ftp/quick
Configuring the captive portal
By default, the Nortel SNAS is set up to function as a captive portal. (For
more information about the captive portal in the Nortel SNAS domain, see
“Captive portal and Exclude List” (page 228).)
To configure the Nortel SNAS portal as a captive portal, use the following
/cfg/doamin #/dnscapt
The DNS Capture menu appears.
The DNS Capture menu includes the following options:
/cfg/doamin #/dnscapt
followed by:
exclude Accesses the DNS Exclude menu, in
order to configure the Exclude List (see
“Configuring the Exclude List” (page 240)).
ena Enables captive portal functionality.
dis Disables captive portal functionality.
Configuring the Exclude List
The Exclude List is a list of domain names that will not be captured by the
Nortel SNAS. (For more information about the Exclude List, see “Exclude
List” (page 228).)
To create and manage the Exclude List, use the following command:
/cfg/doamin #/dnscapt/exclude
The DNS Exclude menu appears.
The DNS Exclude menu includes the following options:
Nortel Secure Network Access Switch
Using the Command Line Interface
NN47230-100 03.01 Standard
28 July 2008
Copyright © 2007,2008 NortelNetworks