The network addresses used in this manual are shown for example only. Network addresses used in your installation must be generated from your own network.
Self-diagnostic test
Printer does not print.
Ensure the printer emulation is set to PS or Automatic.
NG is printed in the
*** Diagnostic report ***
ROM Check :Okstat:EFCC FFFF 0000 0000 RAM Check :Okstat:0000 0000 0000 0000 NIC Check :Okaddr:00:80:92:00:13:01
EEPROM Check:Okstat:8DD0 8DD0 0000 0000
ROM Check and RAM Check register NG.
Confirm that the network interface card (NIC) is installed correctly and turn the printer off and on again.
NIC check registers NG.
Confirm that the NIC is installed correctly and turn the printer off and on again.
Ensure the network cable is correctly connected and connect to a different network segment, rerun the test and see if this cures the fault.
EEPROM Check registers NG.
Confirm that the NIC is installed correctly and turn the printer off and on again.
Initialize the NIC.
Troubleshooting 135