Printed diagnostics sample
Ethernet Board Okaying 7300e Version 1.1.0
*** Diagnostic report ***
ROM Check Ok Sat: F05B FFFF 0000 0000
RAM Check Ok Sat: 0000 0000 0000 0000
NIC Check: Ok add: 00:80:92:07:DB:85
EEPROM Check Ok Stat:9BC2 9BC2 0000 0000
DIPSW1:OFF(ON:Test use only) DIPSW2:OFF(ON:Initialize configuration) DIPSW3:OFF(ON:Configuration print)
DIPSW4:OFF(ON:Diagnostic print)
Do you use the TCP/IP protocol?
When using lpr in UNIX and other TCP/IP environments, please select [Yes]. To use in a TCP/IP environment, an IP address should be assigned to the Ethernet board.
If [Yes] has been selected and TCP/IP is the only working protocol and the IP address has not already been assigned, you can either obtain an IP address automatically or assign an IP address.
When [Obtain an IP address automatically] is selected, the device IP address will be automatically assigned by the DHCP server. In an environment without a DHCP server, please assign the IP address manually.
If you are assigning an IP address, you need to enter:
>An IP address
>Submit mask
>Gateway address.
9.Click [Next].
Do you use the NetWare protocol?
Consult your network manager to ensure that the NetWare file server is properly installed and working on the network. Make sure that NetWare Client32 or IntranetWare Client is installed on your computer.
Microsoft Windows 88