Example: Logging in with host name C7400 (or IP address
#ftp C7400 (or ftp Connected to C7400
220 EthernetBoard OkiLAN 7300e Ver 1.1.0 FTP Server
Name (C7400:root) : root 331 Password required. Password:<CR>
230 User Logged in ftp>
The network card logical directory structure is hierarchical. Move to the logical directory; it is not possible to output print data to the root directory.
2.Move to the preferable logical directory using the cd command.
Example: moving to the lp directory and confirming the current directory.
ftp> cd /lp
250 Command OK.
ftp> pwd
257 ”/lp” is current directory
3.Configure the transfer mode
There are two types of transfer mode: BINARY mode, in which the file contents are output as it is and ASCII mode, which converts the LF code to the CR+LF code. If a binary file converted by the printer driver is transferred, the transfer mode has to be BINARY mode.