operating systems (PCs) 17, 215

Optimized Mode (browser) 109, 110

Option key 31, 32, 36, 244 Option key indicator 32 Option Lock indicator 32 Option Lock mode 32, 96 options in pick lists 30 Organize Favorites command

62, 64

organizer features 14, 42 Outbox 105

Outbox button 85 outgoing messages 105 Outlook

caller IDs and 59 duplicate entries in 225 entering appointments

and 146

incorrect time zones and 225

synchronizing with 16, 21, 23, 224, 225

time zones and 146 Outlook folders 225 overdue tasks 145, 150, 156 owner information 206

Owner Preferences screen 206


page icon 105

Page View 112, 115, 116 paging 95

paired relationships. See partnerships

pairing. See partnerships Palm (online support) 241 Palm Desktop software

caller IDs and 59 defined 244 device names in 243 incorrect time zones and


installing 17, 171, 215 multiple appointments and

146 password-protecting 205 reinstalling 224 synchronizing with 16, 18,

23, 221

time zones and 146 troubleshooting 215, 221 uninstalling 222 viewing and editing media

from 136

PALM folder 127, 128 Palm OS software 17, 170,


Palm OS-compatible applications 170

Palm Quick Install. See Quick Install

Palm Software Installation CD 2, 20, 215

paper clip icon 86, 89 partial battery icon 13 partnerships 67, 118, 245 passkeys 66, 67, 119, 122 Password box 203, 205 password hints 203 passwords

call barring and 72 changing 204, 205 deleting 204 dialing 51, 63 email and 84, 85 forgetting 203, 205 owner preferences and


private entries and 200, 204

requiring 202

unlocking smartphone and 203

I N D E X 285

Page 291
Image 291
Palm 680 manual Operating systems PCs 17 Optimized Mode browser 109, 226, 245, 206