Add a note to an entry: Select Note
Display additional fields for this
contact: Select Plus .
7After you enter all the information,
select Done.
Viewing or changing contact information
1Press Phone .
2Select the Contacts tab.
3Begin entering one of the following for
the contact you want toview or edit:
First name (JOH for John)
Last name (SMI for Smith)
First initial and last name (JSM for
John Smith)
4Select the name of the entry you want
to open.
5Select Edit.
6Make changes to the entry as
necessary, and then select Done.
Assigning a caller ID photo
1Press Phone .
2Select the Contacts tab.
3Open the contact you want to add the
photo to (see Viewing or changing
contact information).
4Select Edit.
5Select the Picture box and do one of
the following:
Select Camera to take a photo and
add it to this contact entry when you
save thephoto.
Select Photos and select an existing
photo that you want to assign to this
Import contacts from your SIM card
quickly and easily. In the Contacts list, open
the Record menu and select Import from
To edit the entries on your SIM card you
must either Import them into Contacts or
press Applications, select SIM Book, and
edit them in the phone book on your SIM card.