preferences alarm tones 151 alert tones 71 applications 198, 199 buttons 198 calculator 169 camcorder 130 camera 130 contact information 60 country-specific 195 dialing 73

email 91, 93–94events 147 hands-free devices 68 Keyguard 200 messaging 102–104owner information 206 phone 55, 56, 73 power settings 208 ringtones 69, 70 system colors 196 system date and time 147,


system sounds 193 tasks 157

web browser 112 web pages 115–117

prefixes (phone numbers) 74 Prefs button 206

preinstalled applications 170, 172, 241

See also applications; specific application

preset delays 203 preset passkeys 67, 123,


pressing keyboard keys 32 pressing onscreen buttons


previewing messages 98 Previous Song button 140 primary applications 36, 198 primary button assignments


prioritizing tasks 155, 157 priority levels 155, 157 priority settings 98 privacy flag 155

Privacy Mode check box 102 Private check box 204 private entries 200, 204–205

caution for 205 programs. See applications;


progress indicator bar (video recording) 130

Prompt sound pick list 130

protecting personal information 199, 202

protecting the screen 7 protecting Treo smartphone

199–206 Protocol pick list 84 proxy servers 117 pTunes icon 139

PUK (PIN unlock key) 245 punctuation marks 32, 34 Purge command 101, 149,


Purge pick list 101 purging old information 19


quarantined files 18, 19, 213 quick buttons 35, 36, 198 Quick Install 172, 245 Quick Keys 62, 63, 245 Quick Tour 241

Quick Tour icon 241 QuickText button 96 QuickText phrases 96


radians 169

radio frequency emissions 247, 248

I N D E X 289

Page 295
Image 295
Palm 680 manual System sounds 193 tasks, Protocol pick list 84 proxy servers 117 pTunes icon