dialing extra digits with 53,
entering 45–48, 66, 215
getting device 21
highlighting 33
importing 166
pasting into Dial Pad 45
redialing most recent 48
saving 54
selecting 48
phone off icon 75
Phone Off message 19, 44,
phone on icon 75
Phone Preferences
command 72
Phone Preferences screen
72, 73, 74
phone-off icon 44
photo albums 135, 139, 142,
Photo Settings screen 138
See also pictures
adding as wallpaper 143
adding caller ID 70, 153
adding captions to 136
adding to albums 143
adding to contacts 143
attaching to multimedia
messages 104
backing up 144
copying 142
deleting 136, 144
displaying information
about 143
downloading 119
grouping 140
personalizing 136
positioning on screen 140
removing from albums
143, 144
rotating 143
saving 136
scrolling through 32
selecting as backgrounds
sending 93, 135, 136, 141
setting default size 138
setting preferences for
storing 133
taking 135, 248
viewing 135, 138, 139,
pick lists 32, 35
Pics&Videos application
copying pictures and
videos in 142
creating wallpaper with
hiding toolbar in 141
opening 139
organizing media with 143
removing photos or videos
from 144
rotating photos in 143
sending pictures or videos
from 141
synchronizing information
in 27
viewing pictures in 139
viewing slide shows in
viewing videos in 140
Pics&Videos icon 139
picture formats 139
Picture list 141
pictures 71, 107, 135, 248
See also images; photos
PIM applications 7, 255
PIMs 227
Pix Place 104, 256
plain text formats 96
Play button (Pocket Tunes)