Copy Items dialog box 142
Copy items to pick list 142
Copy to command 142
Copy To pick list 201
applications 201
multimedia files 144, 145
music files 147
phone numbers 45
photos 142
text 121
user folders 226
videos 142
copyrighted materials 141
corporate email accounts 85,
87, 124, 222
corporate groupware
information 196
corporate servers 27
country-specific preferences.
See language settings
coupling 240
coverage area 19, 44, 69, 75,
Coverage in/out pick list 69
crashes 232
Create chats from messages
pick list 109
albums 143
audio captions 136, 143
bookmarks 117
business cards 155
caller ID photos 70, 153
categories for applications
chat sessions 108, 109
cities for World Clock 164
contacts 153
email 115
email messages 92
events 157, 158
memos 173
multimedia messages
103, 104
partnerships 63, 126, 128
passwords 217, 218
playlists 150
private entries 218
QuickText phrases 102
signatures 100
tasks 165
text messages 102–103
voice memos 174
wallpaper 143
current date and time 163
current events 67
Current Privacy pick list 218,
customer service (Verizon) 9,
customer support (Palm) 9
applications 210–211
buttons 212
calendar 161–162
camera 138
chat sessions 109
email 97–101
Keyguard 214
messaging options 109
smartphone 135, 156,
system date and time 220
system sounds 207–208
tasks 168
web browser 121–123
daily events 156
Daily Repeating Events
check box 162
daily schedules 156
data. See information
data service icons 244, 245