
the keyboard 214 the phone 215, 216 Treo smartphone 217 unread messages 77, 111,

156, 161

untimed events 158, 159, 162

Untimed Events check box 162


application software 225 information 21, 27, 177 system date and time 164

upgrades 22–25, 59, 235 troubleshooting 225–226

uploading images 104 music files 147 videos 104

uppercase letters 36 urgent messages 111 URLs 106, 122

See also web links USB hub 26

USB ports 26

Use color for pick list 110 user discussion groups 9 user folders 226, 233, 256

User Guide 9 usernames 90


Verizon Wireless customer service for 9, 50 smartphone requirements

for 7

technical support for 9, 50 troubleshooting Internet connections and 246 voicemail services and 50

voicemail system 50 Verizon Wireless onscreen

message 75 VersaMail

documentation for 88 VersaMail application

accessing email and 81, 244

adding attachments from 93–94

creating email messages from 92

customizing 97–101displaying attachments

with 95 Exchange ActiveSync

accounts and 101

overview 88 responding to messages

from 95

setting up accounts for 89, 90, 91

sorting messages with 96 switching accounts from


Version button 186 version numbers 186 Vibrate pick list 67, 69, 162 vibrating alarm 67, 69, 162 video albums 137, 139, 142,


video file types 103, 119, 140

video recording screen 137 Video Settings screen 138 videos

adding to albums 143 adjusting volume for 138 attaching to email 93, 138 attaching to multimedia

messages 103 backing up 144 copying 142 deleting 138, 144 displaying information

about 143

I N D E X 299

Page 299
Image 299
Palm 755P manual Untimed events 158, 159 Untimed Events check box Updating, USB ports, Message 75 VersaMail