Attach voice memo option 105

attachments adding 93–94displaying 95 downloading 95 multimedia messages and


multiple files and 93 pictures as 93, 135, 136 removing 93

storing large 249 supported formats for 171 video clips as 93, 138 voice memos as 175

attendee information 159 audio 207

See also multimedia messages; music; voice memos

Audio Caption command 136 audio captions

adding 136, 143 background music and

141 playing 140

Audio icon 140

Auto answer pick list 65 Auto Lock Device box 217

Auto naming pick list 139 Auto Sync dialog box 98 auto sync failures 99 Auto-complete check box


Auto-hide Toolbar option 141 Auto-Keyguard pick list 214 automated voicemail

systems 50 automatic shut-off 221, 253 automating tasks 58 Auto-off After pick list 221 auto-off interval 253

AVI files 140


Background check box 161 background music 141 backgrounds 66, 161 backing up information 23,

27, 229

backlight (keyboard) 36, 208, 221

backlight icon 208 Backspace key 36 Backup folder 185, 226 backup folders 235, 250 Basic Mode (calculator) 180 Basic Mode command 180

basics 9 battery

charging 16–18disposing 231 installing 15 maximizing life of 18, 44,

221 replacing 18, 230 viewing status of 18

battery door release 14 battery icons 18, 77 Beam Business Card

command 155 Beam Category command


Beam command 189, 190 Beam From pick list 190 Beam Receive pick list 222 Beam Status dialog box 189,

190 beaming

battery life and 19 defined 253 overview 188–190troubleshooting 189, 190 turning off 222

bell 179, 232

billing statements 58 birthdays 159

268I N D E X

Page 268
Image 268
Palm 755P manual Playing, 122, Beaming, Bell 179