command equivalents (Graffiti 2) 53 command letters 35

Command mode 35 command shortcuts 35 command strokes 35, 36 Command toolbar 35, 36 commands 34, 35, 36, 40

See also menus comma-separated files 99 communication speed 591, 592, 595 communications protocols 301, 398, 602 compact discs (CDs) 262

company phone lists and memos 11, 17 completed tasks 175, 176, 177, 179 components (handheld) 2

Compress Day View check box 161 compressed files 360 compressed images 471 computers

backing up system information for 75 configuring e-mail accounts on 306 connecting to 8, 277, 287

copying information to 501 customizing connections for 594 displaying primary settings for 88 entering information with 60 entering network information for 83 managing schedules from 165 overwriting information on 95, 97 preinstalled software for 27 removing Palm Desktop software 547 setting up mobile connections for 288 setting usernames and passwords 288 synchronization options for 90, 92 synchronizing with 74, 75, 76, 289, 630

transferring music from 259, 262 troubleshooting synchronization

problems 624 updating information from 95, 97

conduit configuration screen 372 Conduit Settings command 14 conduit shortcuts 384 conduits 93, 383, 388 conference calls 141 conferences 140

Confirm note delete check box 196 confirmation messages 196 confirmation tones 103 conflicting events 161 conformity declaration 646 Connect to setting 594 connecting

headsets to handheld 21, 586

to Bluetooth devices 23, 277, 279, 594 to dial-in servers 598

to mobile phones 280, 286 to networks 82, 87, 597, 600 to other devices 276, 277, 591

to personal computers 8, 277, 287 to power adapter 22, 590, 619

to power sources 620

to the Internet 277, 456, 598 Connection pick list 598

Connection Preferences screen 591, 593 Connection Setup screen 281 connection types 277, 300 connections

See also connecting adding login scripts for 604 adding trusted 288, 292

authentication servers and 607 automatically stopping remote 408 closing Internet 455

closing network 600 creating 593, 594 deleting 593 disabling Internet 468 disconnecting HotSync cable 79 dropping 602

losing 620

omitting passkeys for 280 pairing with network services 314 precautions for 611, 648

preset setting for 591596restricting 278

retrying Internet 456 selecting 598

setting flow control for 595 setting preferences for 478 setting timeout intervals for 407 setting up mobile 280284setting up network 283, 291, 600 setting up secure 388, 404, 414 setting up wireless 276, 289 synchronizing from 76, 82, 87

conserving power 5, 279, 588, 619 Contact Details dialog box 123 Contact Edit screen 116, 118 contacting ISP providers 284 contacts

See also Contacts application adding 67, 113, 116, 121, 391, 461 archiving 122

beaming 498

categorizing 123, 131, 527, 530

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