dialog boxes 25, 39 files 106

Find dialog box 41 handheld 619 handheld menus 34 History lists 464 Home screen 33 HotSync Manager 26, 290 image files 359 masked entries 507 menus 24

Note Pad 27, 190

onscreen keyboards 24, 58, 59 photo albums 237, 238 RealOne Mobile Player 27, 274 Reminders screen 326

text files 359

text messages 429, 430, 432 web pages 459, 460, 470

operating systems 2 optional information xx options 25, 40, 90

See also preferences; security options order forms 472

Organize Albums icon 247 organizing

applications 42, 527, 532 information 42, 526

Outbox 334, 339, 340 Outbox icons 340

outgoing mail options 309, 311, 402, 404 Outgoing mail server option 399 outgoing mail servers 301, 305 Outlook

entering information from 60

marking completed tasks and 175 setting as default mail program 378 synchronizing with 10, 94, 304, 547, 625

Outlook Express 304, 378 Overdue task icon 153 overdue tasks 152, 161, 174, 179 overlapping events 159 owner information 587 Owner Preferences screen 587


pager 117

paging through documentation xxii Palm Desktop Installer icon 7 Palm Desktop software

completing repeated tasks and 175 creating user profiles from 12, 13 described 2, 28

downloading 3

entering information in 60, 61, 63 importing information to 64, 66 installing 3, 7, 27

online help for 60

opening applications in 60, 62 requiring password entry for 509 restoring archived items to 66 synchronizing with 10, 74, 76 system requirements for 2 troubleshooting 617 uninstalling 547

upgrading handhelds and 7

Palm Dialer software. See Dialer application Palm OS applications 32

Palm OS handhelds

adding user information to multiple 11

beaming to 111, 166 exchanging memos with 188 exchanging messages with 442 exchanging photos and videos with 257 exchanging voice memos with 226 exchanging web pages with 481 sharing information with 30

sharing notes with 198 sharing tasks with 181 upgrading from 4

Palm Quick Install icon 541 Palm Quick Install window 542 Palm Reader 29

palmOne Quick Install software 74, 540, 628 palmOne technical support 17

paper clip icon 360, 361, 363 parts (handheld) 2

passkeys 282, 288, 292, 294, 634 Password check box 305 passwords

changing 398, 509 creating 508, 513 deleting 512

e-mail accounts and 301 encrypting 406

entering 284, 305, 598, 601 forgetting 512

locking handhelds with 513, 587 losing 513

network connections and 292 omitting 598

opening web pages and 446 overview 507

passkeys and 282 requiring 509

Zire™ 72 Handheld


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Image 693
Palm Zire 72 manual 671