expansion cards 108 mail folders 347 photo albums 246 preset connections 591 web pages 458

Repeat icon 154 repeat intervals

calendar 137, 140 tasks 171, 173

repeating events changing 148 deleting 149, 150 displaying 162 scheduling 137, 138

repeating tasks 170, 172, 175, 176 Reply Options dialog box 349, 351 Reply To Address option 309, 403 replying to

e-mail 349, 350 required steps xx rescheduling events 147148,156 resending messages 333 reserving dates 135

reset button 22, 611, 613 resetting

application buttons 571 clock 554, 575

Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 584 handheld 22, 513, 611, 620 local preferences 573, 575 passwords 509

preset connections 591 preset formats 577 screen fonts 568 server profiles 598

resizing cache 476 text 184

Resolution option 234 resolution pick list 229, 231 restarting handheld. See resets restoring

archived items 66 defaults 571 information 512, 513, 614

restricting handheld connections 278 restrictions 611, 619

retrieving live web pages 465 retrying

auto get mail setting 327 e-mail delivery 339 Internet connections 456

Review option 235 Review photo option 235 right arrow controls 25 rotary dialing 594

Rotate Photo command 241 running out of memory 546 running out of space 102


Save Page dialog box 458 Save Pages dialog box 459 saving

appointments 134 attachments 364 battery power 588 contacts 115, 122 files 457 information 34, 66, 623

memos 183, 186 music files 258, 263 notes 190

photos 228, 229, 230, 246 synchronization settings 96, 98 tasks 168, 176, 177

videos 228, 231, 233, 253 web cookies 474

web pages 458, 475 scheduled sending retry (e-mail) 302 schedules 132, 152, 161, 573

See also appointments; calendar scheduling

appointments 133134auto get mail 322, 323, 327 backup and synchronization 75 events 133, 135, 140, 163 reminders 115, 133 repeating tasks 170, 172 untimed events 136

scheduling conflicts 132 screen

See also Home screen

adding photos as backgrounds 161, 566 adjusting brightness 23, 567, 619 aligning 585

blank 620 caring for 610 caution for 21 changing colors of 570 changing fonts for 567568clearing 190

frozen 611, 612, 620

inserting selection highlight 37 maintaining 610

Zire™ 72 Handheld


Page 697
Image 697
Palm Zire 72 manual 675