security options for 504 setting 288 troubleshooting 638 validating 316

Paste command 70 Paste icon 36

pasting information 70, 201 patches 546

pausing video recording and playback 232, 233

PC Setup dialog box 287, 289, 291 PC Setup option 287

PCs See personal computers PDAs 18

PDF files 29 pen 191

Pen selector 190 pen widths 190 pencil tool 422

percentage button (Calculator) 200 performance 610

period (.) character 580

peripheral devices. See external devices personal computers

backing up system information for 75 configuring e-mail accounts on 306 connecting to 8, 277, 287

copying information to 501 customizing connections for 594 displaying primary settings for 88 entering information with 60 entering network information for 83 managing schedules from 165 overwriting information on 95, 97 preinstalled software for 27

removing Palm Desktop software 547 setting usernames and passwords 288 synchronization options for 90, 92 synchronizing with 74, 75, 76, 289, 630 transferring music from 259, 262 troubleshooting synchronization

problems 624 updating information from 95, 97

personal digital assistants (PDAs) 18 personal information 474, 507 personalizing contact information 118 personalizing handheld 1

phone connections 280284phone drivers 591

Phone Link Updater application 280, 281 Phone Lookup 67, 121

phone numbers

adding speed dial entries for 486 entering 483, 485, 487, 601 getting from contacts 67, 117, 121 organizing emergency 527 redialing 484

sharing 20

temporary storage for 189 phone settings 598

Phone Setup dialog box 280 Phone Setup option 280 phones 294, 591, 594

See also conference calls; mobile phones

photo albums

accessing from Internet 463 arranging photos in 248, 249 creating 246

moving photos to other 248

organizing 247 removing photos 254 scrolling through 244 selecting 237, 238

photo capture options 234 Photo Details screen 244 photo mode 229 photos

See also Media application adding notes to 244, 245 adding to albums 247 adding to contacts 114 adjusting fade setting for 566 attaching to e-mail 369 attaching to messages 422, 423 beaming 498

browsing 463 capturing 229 copying 253, 255, 501 deleting 247, 254 displaying 228, 237, 238 e-mailing 257 enlarging or shrinking 242 finding 237

moving 248

previewing 230, 235, 236 rotating 241

saving 228, 229, 230, 246 selecting 38

selecting as backgrounds 161, 566 setting slide show delay option 239 sharing 255

sorting 249 storing 102, 106 synchronizing 10

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