installing 27 opening 417

retrieving messages 429, 430, 432 sending multimedia messages 419424sending text messages 417 troubleshooting 442

Messages application icon 27 Messages option 320 microphone 22, 235

Microsoft Exchange accounts 371, 376 Microsoft Internet Explorer See Internet Ex-


Microsoft Outlook See Outlook

Microsoft Windows systems See Windows information

Microsoft Word application 185

Microsoft Word documents 28, 74, 298, 359, 457

Mini view (Web Pro) 450 missing applications 26, 622 missing icons 622

MMS format 419 MMS messaging 27 mobile devices 117, 123 mobile phones

accessing e-mail accounts from 314 accessing Internet with 277 attaching modems to 591 beaming to 300

connecting to 277, 280, 286, 596, 634 connecting to Internet from 286 creating trusted pairs for 280, 634 dialing 125, 126, 482

dialing in to networks from 82 forwarding messages with 432

high-speed connections and 283 key exchanges and 294 messaging service for 419

not working 441 passkeys and 282, 634 requirements for 280

retrieving text messages from 429, 430 Modem Sync Prefs dialog box 84 Modem Wait option 408


connecting to IR port from 591 dialing in to networks with 82 entering initialization strings for 408,


setting up connections for 594, 598 Money category 527

money See currency

Month View 145, 157, 159, 162 Month View icon 157 month, setting 554, 576 monthly events 137 monthly schedules 157 monthly tasks 171, 173 More button 363

moving around dialog boxes 39 moving photos 248

moving the slider 24

moving through documentation xxii moving through screens 36 moving through web sites 448, 452 moving web pages 451

MP3 files 259 MPA files 64 MPEG files 228 multi-day events 140

multi-line descriptions 133 multimedia applications 530 multimedia file types 228 multimedia files 235, 369, 416 multimedia messages

adding images 422 addressing 420 creating 255, 416 managing 27 sending 277, 419424

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) 419 MultiMediaCard expansion cards 102, 258 multiple recipients (e-mail) 335


changing playlists for 270 creating playlists for 267268deleting playlists for 272 displaying playlists for 265 listening to 21, 102, 258 playing 258, 266, 269, 632 related topics for 275 removing from playlists 271 saving 263

selecting 266, 268 stopping 266 storing 102 viewing details 273

music application 258

Music application button 264, 266 music files 258, 259


names See usernames; contacts naming

connections 594

Zire™ 72 Handheld


Page 691
Image 691
Palm Zire 72 manual 669