mail folders 344, 346, 382 mail servers 301, 302, 305 Mail Servers command 316, 397

Mail Servers screen 317, 398, 399, 400 Mail Service pick list 304

Mail Services pick list 305 mail. See e-mail

mailto link 461

maintenance information 610 Make Default check box 98 Manual synchronization option 91 manually locking handhelds 513, 516 marking information as private 505 masking private entries 504, 506, 507 math calculators 26, 29, 199

Max. cache size option 476

Maximum Message Size option 308, 380 MCI connections 599

Media application

backing up information in 28 benefits of 227

copying photos 253 creating albums 246 deleting photos and videos 254 displaying photos or videos 236, 238 displaying slide shows 239 opening 26, 228, 236, 256 organizing photos and videos 246, 248 overview 256

personalizing photos 251 related topics for 257 rotating photos 241

setting photo or video details 244 setting zoom options 242 sorting albums 250

sorting photos and videos 249 troubleshooting 257

media features 227 media formats 259 Media icon 26

Media Message option 419 media players 29, 227 memory 475, 546, 621 memory button (Calculator) 200 memory cards 110, 241, 258 memory clear button (Calculator) 200 memory recall button (Calculator) 200 memos

See also notes; Memos application adding contact information to 121, 183 backing up 28

beaming 498 categorizing 188 creating 182, 183, 184 deleting 186 displaying 184 editing 184, 185 exchanging 188 keeping private 188, 505 organizing 185, 188 recording voice 21, 215 saving 183, 186 selecting 38

sending as attachments 188 synchronizing with Outlook 10 transferring to PCs 185

Memos application categorizing information in 527 changing memos in 184 deleting memos 186

getting help with 187

importing information for 64, 99 marking entries as private 505 opening 26, 183, 571 overview 182

related topics for 188 reordering memos lists 185 selecting memos 184 transferring information to 67 troubleshooting 188, 631 writing memos with 183

Memos icon 26

Memos list 183, 184, 185 menu bar 34

Menu icon 24, 34, 622 menu shortcuts 35 menus 24, 34, 40 messages

See also e-mail; text messages adding multimedia files to 416 attaching photos to 422, 423 automatically resending 333 connection types for 277 creating multimedia 255, 416 displaying unread 152, 161 downloading large 361, 363 getting 429, 430, 432 receiving 277

recording voice 21 removing confirmation 196 sending plain text 330, 331 setting alarms for 561 synchronizing 304

Messages application benefits of 416

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