reading e-mail 329

text messages 429 RealOne icon 27 RealOne Mobile Player

accessing CDs from 262 adding song lists 267 benefits of 258 compatible formats for 259 deleting playlists 272 displaying song details 273 editing playlists 270

getting help with 264, 267, 274, 275 installing 29

opening 27, 274 opening files for 106 playing songs from 269

setting period of inactivity for 266 starting 266

troubleshooting 632 turning off 266

reassigning application buttons 33, 571 reboots See resetting handheld Receipt Details dialog box 206 Receive Format pick list 331 receiving e-mail 285, 304, 318, 320 receiving messages 277

recently visited web pages 448 recharging battery 4, 5, 590, 619 recipes 186

Recipient List screen 335, 336 reconnecting HotSync cable 79 Record button 232

Record menu 497 record screens 38

recording sounds 235

video clips 22, 231, 253 voice memos 21, 22, 216

recording time (actual) 231 records

deleting expense 210, 211 entering information in 114 getting number of 537 hard resets and 613 moving between 38 setting privacy levels for 506 sorting 131, 188, 212 specifying as first 113

recovering memory 621 recurring events 133 redialing phone numbers 484 Reducing costs 477

reducing image quality 470, 471 related items, categorizing 527 related topics xxi

Remember Last Category check box 565 reminders

canceling 561 creating 189, 215 scheduling 115, 133 setting alarms as 560 specifying notes as 193

Reminders screen 326, 339 remote access accounts 597 remote connections 408 remote devices 295 remote servers 82, 479, 597 removing

applications 110, 546

appointments 149 attachments 368 bookmarks 454 categories 529 confirmation messages 196 connections 591, 593 contacts 122

desktop software 7 e-mail 307, 352, 353, 355 e-mail accounts 313 e-mail filters 396 events 149151expansion cards 104 expense records 210, 211 files from handheld 66 Graffiti 2 ShortCut strokes 584 information 66, 71, 110, 513, 621 locations 559

mail folders 347 memos 186 notes 196

Palm Desktop software 547 passwords 512

photos 247, 254 playlists 272 private entries 512 repeating tasks 176 selection highlight 37, 38 service profiles 603 songs 271

tasks 176177Rename Card dialog box 108

Rename Custom Fields dialog box 118 renaming

categories 528

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Palm Zire 72 manual 674