copying information for 114, 116, 120 customizing details for 123 deleting 122

displaying information for 118, 123 duplicating information for 116, 120 entering from Outlook 10 entering in memos 183

entering notes for 116 keeping private 123, 131, 505 locating 121

managing 112 saving 115, 122 selecting 38

transferring from other applications 131 Contacts application

adding contact information 113115addressing e-mail from 336 archiving information in 122 beaming from 497

benefits of 112

categorizing information in 527, 530 creating business cards 119 customizing fields in 118 displaying additional fields for 116 duplicating information 120 importing information for 64, 99, 131 marking entries as private 505 opening 26, 113

related topics for 131

saving information in 115, 122 searching from 121 selecting field types for 117 setting display options for 124 transferring information from 67 troubleshooting 131

viewing online help for 130 Contacts icon 26

Contacts list 123

continuous events See repeating events contrast (screen) 567

controlling Internet access 477 controls

activating 580 application 2425,32 handheld 19 locating 42 navigator 36

cookies 474

Copy command 70, 109 Copy dialog box 109 Copy icon 36 copying

applications 109, 501, 541, 543 calculations 201

contacts 114, 116, 120 files 457 information 70 photos 253, 255, 501 service profiles 598 videos 255, 501

copying and pasting 70 copy-protected applications 109 corporate e-mail accounts 299, 301, 302 country information 578


backing up system information for 75 configuring e-mail accounts on 306 connecting to 8, 277, 287

copying information to 501 customizing connections for 594

displaying primary settings for 88 entering information with 60 entering network information for 83 managing schedules from 165 overwriting information on 95, 97 preinstalled software for 27 removing Palm Desktop software 547 synchronization options for 90, 92 synchronizing with 74, 75, 76, 289, 630 transferring music from 259, 262 troubleshooting synchronization

problems 624 updating information from 95, 97

Cradle/Cable setting 594 creating

appointments 133 bookmarks 452, 464 business cards 119 categories 527 company-specific information 11 connections 593, 594

contacts 67, 113, 116, 121, 391, 461 e-mail accounts 303, 307, 371 e-mail attachments 463

e-mail messages 330, 334, 461, 463 expense records 204, 206, 207 filters 392

images 422 login scripts 604 memos 182, 183, 184 multi-day events 140 multimedia messages 255 new locations 557 notes 190, 244

owner information 587

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Palm Zire 72 manual 657