GPRS command 606

GPRS data services 280, 455 GPRS mobile phones 283, 291, 591 graffiti 422

Graffiti 2 command strokes 35, 36 Graffiti 2 Preferences screen 581 Graffiti 2 writing

changing strokes for 584 choosing input area for 579 copying and pasting with 70 creating tasks with 168 deleting information with 71 deleting ShortCuts 584 entering commands with 53 entering information with 45, 4655entering ShortCut strokes 5657,582 getting help with 52

guidelines for 47 overview 45

setting alternate stroke shapes for 581 setting preferences for 579584troubleshooting problems with 623

Graphics pick list 471 GSM mobile phones 591


Handheld Settings Overview screen 384 Handheld view (Web Pro) 450 handhelds

accessing features 24, 34

adding additional software 102, 538, 540

adding applications to 1, 74, 111, 607 adding owner information 587 adding user information 7, 11

backing up e-mail databases from 410 beaming to. See beaming

benefits of 18

charging battery for 4, 590, 610, 620 checking space on 536 components of 2

connecting to other devices 591 connecting to PCs 8, 23 connecting to power adapter 22, 590,

619 controls described 19 customizing 11, 17, 27, 564 disconnecting from HotSync cable 77,

79, 624

do’s and don’ts 610

freeing up space on 66, 151, 546, 621 getting help with 643

getting unexpected results 585 locking 513516,587

losing 587

maintenance information for 610 naming 279

not making sounds 621

not responding 588, 611, 619, 620, 630 opening 619

preinstalled applications for 26 protecting 278, 282 recharging battery 4, 5, 590, 619 reconnecting HotSync cable 79 related topics for 17, 30 removing items 66

replacing information on 95, 97 resetting 22, 513, 611, 620 restoring information on 614 running out of space on 102

setting auto-off delay for 590 setting idle timeouts for 602

setting power preferences for 588590setting up 1, 6, 7, 17 synchronizing 7389,512 synchronizing wirelessly 277, 289 synchronizing with user profiles 11, 14,


system requirements for 2 timing out 625 troubleshooting 585, 617 turning itself off 621 turning on accidentally 588 turning on and off 6, 33, 588 upgrading 4, 7

viewing applications on 19, 533 viewing information on 19 waking up 296

handwriting 623

See also Graffiti 2 writing hard resets 513, 613, 614, 620 header options (e-mail) 409 headphone jack 21, 611 headphones 611

headsets 21, 586, 611

help xxi, 17, 25, 52, 512, 643 Help menu 624


action bar (Web Pro) 450 address fields 445, 450 currency symbols 212 private entries 504, 506

High Quality option 471 highlighting menu commands 40

See also selection highlight

Zire™ 72 Handheld


Page 686
Image 686
Palm Zire 72 manual 664