Phone Security
Thephone features a number of security functions that protect
againstunauthorized use, and enable you to restrict access to
certainfeatures - see Using the PINpage 11. It is recommended
thatyou memorize your security codes. If you need to make a note of
yoursecurity codes, never write them in a way that they can be
recognizedby another person. If you forget them contact your dealer
forthe Phone Lock Code or your Service Provider for PIN and PIN2.

Using Key Guard

TheKey Guard function is used to prevent any keys
frombeing accidentally pressed e.g. when the phone
isbeing carried.
FromIdle mode press Q, select Key Guard
andpress Qtwice to enable Key Guard
Whena call is received Key Guard will be disabled
temporarily,allowing you to press any key to answer
thecall. Emergency calls can still be made - see Emergency Calls
Note:When making emergency calls with the “Key Guard” enabled,
therewill be no audible or visual indication that the number is being

Disabling Key Guard

WhenFree is displayed press Qtwice

Changing the Security Codes

1FromIdle mode press Q, select Phone Menu > Security and
2Useeto select Phone Lock,PIN or PIN2 and press Q
3Useeto select Change and press Q
4Enterthe current code and press Q
5Enterthe new code and press Q
6Verifythe new code and press Q