5If you use g to select another arithmetic operation to perform, an intermediate calculation will be performed and the result displayed on the upper line
6Press Q to complete the calculation when is displayed in the main option area
Note: Press and hold 1 to add a decimal point.
Currency Convertor
The currency convertor enables you to convert from/to a home currency using a conversion rate that you enter.
From Idle mode press Q, select Applications > Currency and press Q
Entering an Initial Conversion Rate
1Press Q
2Enter an abbreviation for the home currency (up to 3 characters) and press Q twice
3Enter an abbreviation for the foreign currency (up to 3 characters) and press Q twice
4Enter the currency conversion rate and press Q twice
Note: Press and hold 1 to add a decimal point.
Converting a Value
1Check the conversion rate is the one you require and press Q twice
2Enter the value to be converted and press Q twice
The conversion rate will be retained in the phone once entered. The next time you use the convertor you can edit the conversion rate / currency abbreviation while in the Currency /rate display. Press Q, then use e to select Edit and press Q.
Swapping the Currency Conversion
When you have accepted the conversion rate and are ready to enter the value to be converted, you can swap the currencies to convert from the foreign currency into the home currency.
1Use e to select Swap and press Q
2Enter the value for conversion and press Q twice