Create a New Message
1FromIdle mode press Q, select Messages > E-mail and
2Useeto select Create and press Q
3Enterthe relevant details in the To,CC,Subject and Message
fields,using gto navigate between them and press Qto
selecteach in turn
4PressQ, use eto select Phonebook Entry pressQ
5Useeto select required address and press Qtwice
6Afterentering the necessary information press Qtwice
8Useeto select Save and press Q
Send/Receive Messages
TheSend/Receive function is used to both send messages created
onthe phone to the server of the Internet Service Provider, and to
checkyour mailbox on the server for incoming messages and
downloadthem to the phone at the same time.
1FromIdle mode press Q, select Messages > E-mail and
2Useeto select Send/Receive and press Q
Ifthere are unsent messages in the Outbox you will be prompted to
3PressQto send any unsent messages.
Ifthere are new messages to download to the phone then you will be
promptedto receive them.
4PressQto receive new messages.
Ifno action is taken the connection will time out after one minute and
returnto the E-mail menu.
Ifany messages are downloaded then, when finished, the phone will
displaythe new messages allowing them to be viewed, replied to etc.
Ifno messages are downloaded the phone will display the Inbox
menu,unless there are no messages in this list, then it will return to
theE-mail menu.