Thedefault setting for delivery confirmation can be enabled/disabled
usingthe Report parameter in the Short Message > Parameters
Receiving Text Messages
Whena Short Text Message is sent to your phone the message
indicator(N) will flash in the display, with an audible tone or
vibration.This indicates that a new message has been received.
WhenRead is displayed press Qto read the message. Use gto
navigatethrough the message and to identify the sender of the
Note:If the message indicator is displayed constantly (does not
flash)this indicates that the message area is full and you will need
todelete old messages in order to be able to receive new messages
inthe future.
Message Options

Reply to a Message

Whenyou have received and read a message you may wish to reply
tothe sender.
PressingQtwice will allow you to create a reply message

Delete a Message

2Useeto select Delete and press Qto delete the message
Toenable the auto-deletion of messages - see Message

Edit a Message

2Useeto select Edit and press Qto edit the message
PressingQtwice will give you the option to send the edited
message- see Sending a Short Text Messagepage 31. Press B
ifyou do not wish to send the message and it will be stored in the
ShortText Messages